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Super Green Smoothie

Almond and Fig

Updated: Jun 18, 2020

With all sorts of news around the world on viruses and sickness it’s important to guard and fuel our bodies with the right nutrients and cook for better health in mind. So it’s time to share with you one of my go to this winter. An Anti-Flu/cold, Immune-Boosting Super Green Smoothie! The flu and cold season is still upon us, and contrary to what we like to think it often lasts up till the end of spring (at least here where we live).

Although I often make green smoothies for my family. It wasn’t until few months ago thanks to my hubby it became part of our daily morning routine.

This blend has a generous amount of natural superfoods and loads of vitamins, and minerals that are essential in developing our immune system. And lots of powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties from the ginger, turmeric, and avocados.

The vitamin boost is an obvious benefit of this green smoothie. It will help prevent and suppress the effects of the common cold by filling your body with nutrients, and increases your fluid intake. A goal I have been working on personally (more water in my day). But one thing I also noticed from making this smoothie part of our daily routine is the energy levels, a great increase in energy which I really love especially during the winter months when my mind is telling me hibernate and bake more muffins :) still do but you know balance. Friends I hope you stock up on fruits, veggies and lots of greens, then I hope you won’t need the tissues, cold medication and the one I can’t stand most cherry cough syrup lol.

Have a healthy week friends,



Super Green Smoothie


2 handfuls of fresh spinach (any green leaf will do). You can try to mix kale and romaine, arugula... etc

1/2 lemon diced with skin on

5 inch cucumber

1 inch fresh ginger

1 inch fresh turmeric or powder

5 celery stalks

1 inch Lemon grass (remove the tough outer layer)

1 avocado


Water or coconut water (adjust your liquid to the consistency you like) my husband likes it thick, my kids and I like it more pourable.

Choose a fruit of choice: family faves:

one Apple

1 cup fresh pineapple or one banana (frozen banana is so good here it yields to a very creamy smoothie


In a high speed blender combine:

First cucumber, celery, fruits, ginger, lemon grass, turmeric, add water. Then add the spinach and avocado on top whirl until creamy add ice if you wish.

For my kids I sometimes add frozen bananas in this case omit the ice. Or Apple or pineapple they add a perfect touch of sweetness.

Tip: a great thing about making a smoothie like this at home is you can adjust and customize your ingredients to your liking. Add less ginger, add more lemons, add more fruits. it’s all up to you. You get the idea.

Feel free to add seeds, nuts or seed and nut butters.

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